Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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The holidays are approaching for some (the lucky ones) and also the spring (again there are more lucky than others ...) A

viste required, that of greenhouse door of Auteuil in Paris.

Firstly, because the tropical greenhouses and exhibition greenhouses built in the nineteenth century are beautiful and is viste pasisonannte but because they are threatened!

the other side of the street, there is a lot less Botanical Site: Roland Garros, its red sand, his sweat, his steps, his ball boys and demanding public. .. And Roland Garros would love to have a little more room .... and therefore do disappear a few greenhouses.

Go quickly see (output device or the Porte d'Auteuil metro ditto) and I even heard about a petition circulating at the moment. At your feathers!

(I took these photos with -5 ° C outside, frozen fingers, but there seems nothing. That's the magic of the greenhouses.)



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