Sunday, February 27, 2011

Telescope Connect To Camera

Down by Law M le Maudit

Original Title: Down By Law
(EU-Germany, 1986, N., 107 min)

French Title:
Under the blow of the law

Director and writer: Jim Jarmusch

Photography: Robby Müller

Music: John Lurie

Cast: John Lurie
Tom Waits: Zack
Roberto Benigni: Nicoletta Braschi Roberto

Jim Jarmusch shows us an America populated by people uprooted, but nothing desperate
Article Daniele Heymann "cnn" May 1986

In 1984 , S abroad Than Paradise (Camera d'Or at Cannes), soon became a cult film, revealed the talent of a filmmaker completely free, totally independent, throwing on an ordinary heroes look mid-indulgent, half-serious. A friendly look, without excessive compassion. Down by Law plunges again in this sad and beautiful world - a Louisiana cleansed of its folklore, the wetness near the bayou, alligators infested obese and wandering thieves three comical woe. Zack, a disc jockey in the case (the singer Tom Waits insomnia and his voice) is fired by his girlfriend. As he heads his bottle of bourbon, he was asked to convey a voiture.Le trunk is occupied by a corpse. Trapped. Jack, a pimp at a discount (the musician John Lurie ), is offered a new choice hustler. In a sleazy hotel room, she is in bed. He approaches, cops pounce. The kid is 12 years old. Trapped. Zack and Jack find themselves in prison. They have nothing to say just to support themselves. When their cell welcomes another resident: Roberto , said Bob , the nicest of them and the only murderer of the three. It is very gay, draws a window on the wall of their prison.Son English is not even basic, it is hypothetical. He constantly tries to connect with a good will as an irritating rash.

But he, Bob , the nerdy talkative, who finds the opportunity to make beautiful. Wading through swamps, chased by dogs, cold, hunger, vagrants will go their way.

As in a fairy tale, they will find a small hut in the forest where Snow White immigrant will cook the spaghetti of salvation ... A permanent humor through this unusual comedy whose hero without qualities are closer Buster Keaton as Charlie Chaplin . They do not call for tender, they suffer the blows of fate that they themselves have caused grinning with dignity. (...) Both "Yankees" are powerfully aided by the presence in the role of Bob , Roberto Benigni, a mime surprising phenomenon explosive efficiency crafty. Tribute the gangster film, with John Huston at Samuel Fuller , Down by Law, photographed in black and white by Robby Müller , is a blues that, instead of distilling a classic sticky cockroach, relieve a cheerful melancholy.

Jim Jarmusch is a figurehead of American independent cinema
Article by Florence Colombani "cnn" in January 2009

It really looks inimitable a rocker, a silver hair since his youth, pale and elegant fingers decorated Gothic rings. As the king Elvis that haunts so many of his characters - from Mystery Train to Coffee and Cigarettes - Jim Jarmusch comes from the deepest U.S. . He grew up in Akron in the Ohio, an industrial city "terribly boring", he confided in an interview with the Guardian in 2004. Introduced to the arts through a fine mother, writing in the local newspaper and offered a translation of Proust for her sixteenth birthday, young Jarmusch moved to New York soon as possible. Brilliant student, he managed to quickly get a place in independent filmmaking. Down by Law, his second feature, requires a universe funny, sad and endearing, and a remarkable mastery of black and white.

The route Jim Jarmusch film follows the curve of friendships that have the force of passionate love. He attends Nicholas Ray , his teacher at New York University (NYU), when he allows himself to shoot his deathbed by Wim Wenders . People in It his films for relatives, always original artists, attracted by its fanciful and poetic temperament: Tom Waits excels as a comedian in Down by Law; Neil Young is ready to play in the documentary Year of the Horse , before composing music for an unforgettable Dead Man ; Roberto Benigni offers him the funniest moments of his work by adding to its usual mix of mime broken English and Tuscan dialect.

A talented novelist

the image of these unlikely personalities, the art of Jarmusch is singular, close to that of the novelist, rather than the novelist. He also excels in the film skits: in Mystery Train, the episodes are united by love of music and the city of Memphis; Night on Earth tells five taxi rides from Los Angeles to Helsinki via Rome and Paris ; Coffee and Cigarettes is a mosaic in black and white that ends with an air of Mahler. In the 1990s, his work is gaining in scale and ambition. Abandoning the unusual atmosphere that made it successful Jarmusch delves into the world of western philosophical and sign a parable, nourished Indian spirituality and the poetic world of William Blake . Dead Man - arguably his masterpiece - is the story of a journey toward death in a Far West decaying. In his next film, Ghost Dog , he reinvents the world of Jean-Pierre Melville and pays tribute to the legendary Samurai ( 1967). In 2005 , Broken Flowers revives structure films to sketches: a Don Juan on the back, played by Bill Murray , visits four former lovers. This melancholy walk of love and death emerges as a result, a reflective work, more minimalist than ever ...

Trailer: Down by Law (1986) Jim Jarmusch (Duration: 2 min 12 sec)

Preview: Down by Law (1986) Jim Jarmusch (Duration: 4 min 04 s)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Broken Capillaries Around Lips

My photos as and when

(click on the orange title of the topic to open the album)

At the height of the locks Neuville (on the Meuse near Huy), left bank, an old door, tons of steel, wood burned by the sun and frozen its ends. Nature takes advantage of each gap, despite the freeze.

150 years ago, manufacturers had placed dams on this river that has the highest flow Belgium and provided rapid and significant a driving force.
In 2006, some have conceived the idea of reusing the dams partially in place to generate electricity ... It is clear that there are only bridges and machinery covered with thick rust paint that blew everywhere.

late January, after a night of frost, cold morning with no wind and sunny conditions.
Vapors from the Tihange plant will be even more white and visible for miles.

The bench of fleeting time night at the station deserted TGV - 09-02-11 Art & Unusual
The bench time running ... in a railway station where trains run without stopping, where the shadows
travelers still seem agitated ...

I confess that I do not love them overnight. But when they emerge from the mist in a blue sky and seeing that the output of the landing gear, it's still impressive (especially with the 400mm Charge!).

Under an old railway bridge, a drainage runoff ...

Friday, January 28, 2011, sky blue, -2 °. Between Huy and Pont-de-Bonne flows Hoyoux, attracting ducks, geese and herons. Including one who loved play hide and seek ...

Taking advantage of a very hot sun ...

Blue Sky , snow and -3 °. No exotic animals and heated shelters, only animals capable to live in our climate, deer, reindeer, caribou, llama, lynx, wild boars, geese and ducks on the pond partially frozen and a bear hibernating.

It is claimed that cats have 7 lives, what happiness!

Spider sped - 01-01-11 Art and Unusual

... and left nothing but a colorful work unfinished

Classic and colorful

On the Meuse, between cold and snowy ground, swans, geese in Egypt, young ducks and seagulls, all very attracted to the goal! Small moment of happiness among these beautiful animals.

resistance useless - 06-12-10 Fauna & Flora
early December, the wind rises. In a few hours all resistance is useless.

De Marchin to Solières, the sun rises over the frozen ground partly covered with morning mist dominated by a deep blue sky, creating both large areas of shadows and dazzling lights, at -4 °.

Saturday to 15hrs when the sun gives light pleasant. Quiet and peaceful time.
Waiting. .. small trial conducted at the Chateau de Neuville with subjects taken from life ...
What more? Testing in black and white with no particular effect, just for fun ...
Nature reclaims her gently on the right concrete in parking in front of the auditorium of philosophy at Sart-Tilman. Not with panache but insidiously, it seeps and creeps ...

few moments without rain, and between Louveigné Aywaille end of the day ... For a friend.

Fall Colors and Fog!

This bridge marks the entry in Liege is a real symbol and a monument ; recognizable by angels overlooking access, it has been completely refurbished.
By night it's a real treat for the photographers, all colors, all the intensities go there to try to reproduce the exact lighting and then let the imagination do the rest.
Things are heating up at CMI after the recent recovery of a blast furnace!
At the corner of Bridge Fragnée, Liege , lighting ...
night, everything is suddenly enlightened focus. Thousands of Liege have never noticed this piece metal located before the parking of Belle-Ile coming Angleur ...

While I was doing macros, my cat decided to teach me to yawn like him, you will excuse the quality images, the objective is not really suitable! !

The longest tunnel in Belgium. You've already seen hundreds of photos taken the day before the opening. I offer a few night photos where the lighting (backed up by the moon) is the material value

There are those that tolerate ... and those that hate cordially!

Remember, it was superb this Sept. 21, the first day of autumn ...
A sunny Saturday in October, inviting colors and even insects that are getting in a last meal ...

Bridge Dam Ivoz-Ramet - 17-10-10 Nocturnes
My first night shots, between road, water, machinery and full moon

Airport Bierset of 23hrs to 2hrs in the morning, all the planes landed TNT, they will leave at 4hrs. Lighting covers everything from an orange-brown. Some cars and trucks, service vehicles from the airport or the hotel next door which turned a little, sometimes repass near me watching me and never accost me.

No luck, it was gray and rainy Saturday while returning from winter Bierwart. The opportunity to leave the motorway and walk on narrow roads and uncertain. And finally have some beautiful pictures!

... at least if there was wind!
Especially with an instrument centenary!

Sunday, October 10, 2010, 18hrs, the sun is not high and the sky is blue on the way to the path hauling beyond the Baldwin Bridge, under the Iron Bridge up to the restaurant San Marino.

The RACB 4-09-10 organized the 12 hours of Huy, mythical race of the 50s. Reserved models produced up to 69 (73 if unchanged), these 12 hours are to travel the same circuit three times at an average of 50 km / Hr, neither more nor less on pain of penalties.

mushrooms in the woods of Tihange - 13-10-10 Fauna & Flora
out Sunday in the woods of Tihange to enjoy the sun and photograph ... mushrooms! Curious initial idea to finally take the game, some measuring 1cm, and send to photograph without damaging the other.

Prayon Engis by night - 13-10-10 Nocturnes
Along the Meuse, at night, this plot works its lights ...

TGV-Guillemins - behind the scenes - 13-10-10 Nocturnes
Photos taken from the rear parking Avenue from the observatory.
Printing unpleasant white lighting is very cold, almost gray, not bright white as shown by some official photos.
Sometimes the envy ...

necklace balls of paper - 13-10-10 Art & Unusual
testing depth of field with something stupid ...

as some If you want a photo in original format, ask in the comment (by specifying your email) it will not appear and I will answer with pleasure.