Sunday, January 6, 2008

How Can You Tell If A Scorpio Man Likes You

French Title: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring Original Title: Bom, Yeoreum, Gaeul, Gyeowool, Geurigo, Bom 2003 - South Korea

/ Germany - Drama - 1:43 Director: Kim Ki-duk Cast: Oh Young-soo, Kim Jong-ho, Seo Jae-Kyeong, Kim Young-min and Ha Yeo-jin

Kim Ki-duk every key Perfect self-taught filmmaker and prolific of pertussis international festivals it is one of the most atypical of contemporary Korean cinema. Kim Ki-duk born in 1960 in Bonghwa (

South Korea). His family waits farmer or laborer, but at age 20, he enlisted in the Navy. In 1990 , he traveled to France to study visual arts and sells her designs in the streets of Montpellier. Back home, he wrote several scripts that receive awards. In 1996 , he started directing, with The Crocodile , whose central character collects the drowned bodies of the Han River. Rather

confidential Korea, its poetic and violent films are quickly noticed abroad. One of the most successful Island, is a highly successful festival (seen particularly Venice and Sundance ), and collects money. Kim Ki-Duk then claims a taste for experimentation. It turns Real Fiction, whose hero is a man in crisis run amok in just three hours and twenty minutes with a device of twelve cameras. Address Unknown mark his return to a more traditional form, on a political subject: the film goes on an American army base and evokes the trauma of war Korea. Bucolic poetry

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ...

spring and ends to impose in the West, while the aggressive Bad Guy attracted a wide audience in Korea . In 2004, at the Berlin Festival,

Kim Ki-duk won the Silver Bear for best director for her portrayal of a young prostitute, Samaria. He leaves also
Venice Silver Lion for Tenants
, a love story almost silent. Characters
of Kim Ki-Duk
are silent, because, he says,

"something has deeply wounded. Their trust in others has been destroyed because of broken promises. " Guetté sometimes drift aesthetic ( Arc), the filmmaker eats international ambitions, and dreams of directing himself French or Hollywood remakes of his own films. Florence Colombani

Le Monde, March 5, 2006

In pursuit of nirvana

Several tracks allow the viewer to walk through the seasons of Kim Ki-duk . The first, announced at the film's title, leads only to itself and loop on the evidence alone of the eternal return. A meditative fable, concentrated avowed Buddhist culture, requires stopping and purifies the eclectic oeuvre and the South Korean director
. The simplicity of the parallel quadrature cycle that shapes the unity of the film, is Obviously disarmingly: four seasons in the life of a temple, surrounded by nature in the midst of very cinégénique Lake Jusanji , refer to as key moments in the life of a man whose career - an initiatory course - is closely related to the sublime site since his childhood. Story of a disciple, then, who has little choice other than learning and acceptance of a master who will lead not surprisingly, turn and fifth season, to send a witness to the instruction received.

Classic, the essential challenge of ensuring the unity of place in any sense of serenity Centrifugal and contemplative a plot that continues to assert the virtues of retirement and vices of the century. Because well-known adage, Hell is elsewhere. "You did not know that the outside looked like this? ", surprised the old monk welcoming the prodigal student became criminal after he fled for a time the asceticism of the pagoda. Stigmatized, the error does not condemn either. Each exaction after awareness and atonement, lets take a course. Hence a memorable sequence of punishment where a candle flame licks up breaking the rope that suspends a killer body and bruised. Hence the presence of doors and gates that symbolize the crossing of thresholds especially symbolic that no walls encloses the space.

Defense and illustration of the passage also illustrated the director's taste for the declination: seasons, ages, bestiary, states of matter - as confirmed by the exploration of solid, liquid and vaporous the water element - remain seized with the prospect of a change that will culminate, as it should, on the heights of a timeless surrounding peaks, the final effort of the master will then freed body and objects constraints gravity by installing to the observation post the statue of Buddha that accompanied his wanderings. Behind the route marked emerge anyway filigree other more adventurous itineraries. Paths that lead nowhere, these escapes are also valuable to the viewer that the arrival of foreign visitors at the strange creatures of the lake.

"It was good medicine"

, maliciously says the wise old man who has just left his young disciple the task of completing the cure of a young neurotic in him making love. Similarly, the sudden appearance of two police officers searching for the murderer exposes a vacuum the risk of cracks of modernity. matter run its course as the failure of the intruder is exploited for edification. When inspectors are helping their prisoner to perform its duties or redemptive they ridicule before a monk stone thrower, we consider especially the power of moments where the film departs from the predetermined program of philosophical tale for other types of stroke . The comedy, of course. But also and above all fantastic. We like to note that while far from being docked at the center of the lake, the pier that supports the temple drifting without direction. In the mist, Spring Summer, Fall, Winter ... spring and becomes, fleetingly, a story of magic and reincarnation, predestination and telekinesis, written after the cat by the tail of a sorcerer immaculate calligrapher. Thierry Méranger

The Cahiers du Cinema "

Introduction to Wisdom

Filmmakers like Hong Sang-soo
, Im Kwon-taek
and Lee Chang-dong
imposed recently

Korean cinema on the international scene, but the first to be noticed was Yong Kyun-bae in 1989 with Bodhi Dharma Why did he go to the East? , a work advocating asceticism in an aesthetic determined by Zen.

Now what that other prolific creator Kim Ki-duk , who signs each time the films of different styles, reminds us
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ...
spring and if the world of each other is sometimes influenced by material aspirations and Western philosophies, the

Korea remains deeply marked by Buddhist culture and the pursuit of indifferent detachment. It would be unfair to suspect

Kim Ki-duk
opportunism. More than the visual splendor of the exotic figure of an initiatory journey for export, is the authenticity of a belief in a certain serenity Here he expresses, he who, after a period of atheism, turned to Christianity and now admits to be at peace with itself thanks to the lessons of Confucius. We know that Confucius was in his childhood, killed a bird and that this gesture was sentenced to be devoured by remorse of evil. This is what happens to the kid in Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and spring, enjoys torturing animals in the ballast of a pebble. The old monk whose disciple he is in a temple floating in the middle of a lake then condemns the move with a big stone tied in back until the fish, frog and snake are issued martyred for their martyrdom. The sobbing boy's will to the extent of the misconduct, indelible. The lesson perpetrated the seasons will be the same. That boy became a monk losing sleep facing a young girl from a strange illness care, he succumbs to sexual desire and deserted the temple to follow, it turns into murderous jealousy, proves that he does there is no natural innocence, that man can not acquire peace by ignoring desires and torments, and that anyone who gives in to passion is doomed to a bad conscience. The sinner custody forever follow sins he committed. Simple as a fable, the film's liturgical Kim Ki-duk displays a pictorial prettiness to advocate a spiritual discipline. The temptations of lust, possession, he contrasts the wisdom of almost demiurgic master who sees all, knows instinctively sort edible herbs and poisonous plants, knows how to get rid of bad instincts and the art of making the most of the living world.
Beautiful images scattered throughout this religious journey: doors that open onto a peaceful setting, a Buddha carved in ice, a cat whose tail is transformed into brush a man who covers his eyes to weep calligraphy paper. They also

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring film to poetry disconcerting. Jean-Luc Douin Le Monde, March 5, 2006

Preview: Spring, Summer, Fall , Winter ... and Spring (2003) Kim Ki-Duk (Duration: 1 min 52 sec)


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