Saturday, October 14, 2006

Vista C&c Tiberium Sun

Self Defense - Why Pepper Gel is the best defense for you

There is little doubt among professionals of the effectiveness of pepper spray. Even "CONTINUE" the hunter generosity, and "Stephanie Plum" the scout generosity fictional femme fatale bestsellers Janet Evanovich use or carry pepper spray. More and more professional police departments and employ some form of bear pepper spray. Almost all securities firms have their guard and use bear pepper spray.
The pepper spray uses Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) which comes from cayenne pepper. Defensive pepper sprays are measured in units of Scoville heat (HUS), a common measure of "hotness" of products'. A jalapeno pepper has an SHU of 5000, a habanero pepper 300,000 and a typical pepper spray will be in 2 million SHU chain. A short burst
against an attacker with a canister of pepper spray causes shortness of breath, temporary blindness of the eyes actually closing, choking and coughing. Not to mention the pain. The normal reaction of a victim of a pepper spray squirt is to rub the jet, that just makes it worse, and now his hands are burned. There is no permanent damage to the attacker.
All these attributes apply to pepper spray pepper gel. But there's more. The new pepper gel has an extended range of up 18 feet. Most pepper sprays have a range of 6-12 feet. And the delivery system carrying the pepper is a gel instead of a mist or spray liquid, the gel is to be on target. The pepper gel has a higher concentration of pepper and sticks like glue when it hits the face of attackers target it.
- Range increased.
- A higher concentration of pepper to the great power of arrest.
- Accuracy increased significantly.
- sticks like glue.
When you are attacked and your life is on the line that these factors are huge. Therefore the freezing of pepper is the best non-lethal self-defense you. Bring in your car, your purse, have one at home, in the office because you never know when you need it.
After all it is good enough for Stephanie Plum and "CONTINUE" the bounty hunter and the thousands of professionals from police why he would not be good enough for you?
If you think crime can only happen with the other guy you are wrong. The "other type" think the same thing and YOU are the "other type". There's a reason they call it self defense. You must protect yourself, your family, your home and business!


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